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Product Dimensions

Dimensions must be provided as separate columns for each value. This means you should provide Length, Width, and Height in their own respective columns.  The unit of measurement must be inches. Partial inches should be provided as decimal values, not fractions.

Overall Product Dimensions

You should provide a Width, Depth, and Height for each product. If your product has variable dimensions, like a recliner in the upright vs reclined position or a table with a leaf, you should provide the dimensions in it's 'normal' state. Upright for a recliner, no leaf for a table.

If there is additional dimensional information, such as the length of a table leaf or max width you can include that in the Product Specs column.

Length x Width x Height -vs- Depth x Width x Height

We use Depth instead of Length

Box or Carton Dimensions

These values should be provided separately also (separate columns for length, width, height). If a product consists of multiple boxes you should provide separate values for each box.

Additional Product Dimensions

We can accept the following additional dimensions:

  • Seat Width (Seating)

  • Seat Depth (Seating)

  • Seat Height (Seating)

  • Arm Height (Seating)

  • Length Fully Reclined (reclining furniture)

  • Max Depth (front to back) (Dining Table)

  • Diameter

  • Open Sleeper Depth (sofa)

  • TV Opening Width (TV Stand/Armoire)

  • TV Opening Depth (TV Stand/Armoire)

  • TV Opening Height (TV Stand/Armoire)

  • Back Width (office chair)

  • Back Height (office chair)

  • Overall Maximum Adjustable Height (office chair)

Common Problems

Providing a single value that combines the dimensions. 

Example: 36 x 45 x 78

What do to instead: provide separate columns for each value.

Using a unit other than Inches

Example: 77 cm

Example: 3' 11"

What to do instead: provide all dimension values in inches

Providing fractions instead of decimals.

Example: 35 1/2

What to do instead: provide decimal values like 35.5